Saturday, October 28, 2023

Pakistan require to up their 'management' skills barring political alliances

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The major problem of Pakistan and likewise Pakistani Sports inside which is Pakistan Cricket, whose sole controlling body in Pakistan previously known and referred to as Board of Control for Cricket in Pakistan aka BCCP (relatable to BCCI) and currently known as Pakistan Cricket Board aka PCB, but coming back to major identification of problem has been consistency and along with the consistency aspect, we should not forget impulsive mindset among the masses, because vision requires continuous working going on, for which there are many relatable aspects which are equally responsible for catastrophe period Pakistan and Pakistan Cricket is going on is نالائقی and inconsistency.


Imagine, you're building your house, but every now-and-then you start building walls, and again your mood changes, start demolishing the wall and as again start working on newer architecture of wall, but just as I mentioned a trend, i.e., every now-and-then; this HAS BEEN THE PROBLEM both with Pakistan, and likewise Pakistan Sports, and similarly related to Pakistan Cricket, because as I have been constantly mentioning a particular term in my previous blogs posts, relatively impulsiveness and similarly short-term decision making, along with seeking fame, although previously the time period when I was studying, the curriculum I studied at HAMDARD PUBLIC SCHOOL, taught me this aspect that success doesn't come quickly likewise swiftly, hence if something like success is short-lived, than this is not success, instead it is something other than success, but as I have been mentioning impulsiveness approach 
Furthermore, another problem which I encountered, has been no-vision, furthermore, to add, short-sightedness, where we are always short-hungry for fame, 


According to me, this is a problem, because whether it comes to Pakistan politics, Pakistan sports and likewise Pakistan cricket, there is a common factor which is missing, i.e., lack of vision; because when there is a lack of vision, we can't design a mission, which is a short-plan for incorporating complete vision, but here in Pakistan's case, there is a insured lack of vision factor associated with whole of Pakistani nation, 

Vision usually comprises of continuity 

When it comes to Pakistani nation, Pakistani sport and likewise Pakistan cricket, lacks continuity in policy, where even in current Pakistani society, while nipping into the bud, we all are engulfed into the mindset of سو چوہے کھا کر بلی حج کو چلی , because as a nation we all are under a state of inferiority complex and therefore as a nation we are technically a non-collaborative nation, where every single one from us does not believe in sharing his ideas with other, just in the inferiority complex کہ کہیں وہ مجھ سے آگے نہیں نکل جائے 

Country comes secondary under this inferiority complex scenario

Just because as a nation, we do not believe in collaboration, the generations to follow are grown up under the same inferiority complex, and hence we are responsible in distorting future offsprings, which resulted in textbook skipping being promoted, as problem does not lie with BABAR, RIZWAN or otherwise even SARFRAZ, but those who are heading them should be held accountable, as they are the main problem.


In order to getting rid of this issue, we are required to have clear focus, and a clear vision, and similarly we have to make sure that whatever focus we have planned, is going to be finalized, because this has been the main problem, which I elaborated in second point, where I gave example of house construction, where we have been criminally guilty of restarting from point zero, while demolishing previously developed plan, creating a precedence that capitalization is the key to success, which actually is inferiority complex, which we have been criminally genetically transferring to our offsprings, 

Respecting your assets

Treat your youngsters same as a salesman treats its inventory, we should treat our sportsmen as precious as inventory to salesman, 

the "Hybrid model"

This was a shame, when Asia Cup 2023 host was Pakistan, but honestly speaking does it looked like a Pakistani hosted tournament? Nowhere I found any Pakistani endorsement during the tournament, even in Sri Lankan grounds, we previously used to view Pakistani advertisement, but this time around, it was without Pakistani advertisements, furthermore this is not the point of concerned on majority, the point of majority concerned HAS BEEN how PCB managed its ASSETS i.e., HER PLAYERS; in my term-logy PCB ridiculed its players, because as I have mentioned earlier in one of my blogs, Pakistan played initial game of Asia Cup in Multan, afterwards it took chartered flight to Kandy to play India, and after the game, it flew back to Lahore and competed at home, but afterwards after competing against Bangladesh, Pakistan took another flight to Colombo, from where their graph has been on the downward flow, just because we were hit with injuries, because the management at the PCB has been abusing with its players.

Aisam ul Haque

He has been another example of abusing assets where a tennis player of this caliber, and how we treated him, whereas in contrast how Indians respected THEIR TENNIS STARS and how we have been doing in retrospect!


Again, I am rewriting this term which I mentioned earlier that continuity has been the problem associated both with Pakistan, Pakistani politics, Pakistani sports and likewise Pakistan cricket, we definitely lack in continuation process, because this is not Pakistan particular department/strata issue, but overall a national problem, and the problem-solving process definitely initiates only when we consider problem as a problem,

Stop being hypocrite and ignorant

This is another aspect, which I gathered even while analyzing the performances from Pakistan politics, Pakistan sports and likewise Pakistani cricket, because I personally feel that we are required to acknowledge the problem as a problem, because identifying the problem is the initial stage of problem-solving process, so if anyone is not following this circle, it definitely means that his intention is not positive, similarly we are required to associate the same to management how Pakistani players are managed.

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