Sunday, February 13, 2011

Creating loop-holes themselves

Appointing a penalized and banned cricketer
as a cricket analyst...? What happened to the
media guys?
I don't know what the hell has happened to the guys at media, who constantly wobble about media ethics and this and that, and they've allowed a penalized player to be giving his opinion on a private Pakistani Television during the Cricket World Cup.

What I say let them feel that they had committed mistake by letting them instead of giving them space on Television. Although he would be giving his professional opinions there but its also giving an impression that we don't care as a nation whether a person is good or not.

Although I must admit he's a great player but he played those innings to bring fame for the country and this time, country has been defamed because of these trio's stupid act and in the mean time we're giving them space on TV.

Why I am saying so?
I am saying so because at the time when M. Azharuddin was barred from participating for the national cricket side, he was given contract doing the same job which SB doing, but the ICC that time act on time and such thing won't happened. But this time ICC has been taking half measures while punishing them initially and than giving a backdoor escaping en-route by being helpless when SB is going to be giving his opinions on cricket world cup matches on a Television channel which do not have a airing or broadcasting rights of Cricket World Cup 2011 matches.

They should stick to their words instead of acting like a empty spray bottle having few last drops of window cleaning fluid.

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