Saturday, October 21, 2023

Sports should be part of curriculum in Pakistan

Monotonical approach

Current کھیپ of Pakistanis currently manufactured (apologies, but literally our education institutes are gifting degrees instead of letting their pupil earn that degree) for which they do not know the importance of the degree they are going to earn, which is definitely a criminal offense, for which we as elders' are to be blamed for the catastrophe, because this is how we have developed our offspring's.

Glamorizing the rotting approach

This is another approach which contradicts to learnt approach, where we learn, instead of memorizing, because the کھیپ currently being generated from our educational factories, (again apologies) they are responsible for creating this as a habit, 

سو چوہے کھا کر بلی حج کو چلی attitude

Resulting to this attitude, we have generated a generation, who has this very bad habit of subjected attitude where you do not make yourself accountable for your own deeds, instead you clean your own mess by dirtying someone else's character, because this has been the case for current Pakistani societal debacle.

Street smartness and intent for search of an alternative approach

This attitude has been missing off our sports let alone cricket and similarly sans our rotting generators i.e., educational institutions have evaporated this intent among younger generations, for which we all have to be held responsible for it, because this is not me, you or if-than-else, but everybody and everyone has their share of blame to address on ourselves, because this is the main reason we have not being able to see street smartness, as I mentioned in one of my previous blogs, you have PLAN A, whereas PLAN B is when something goes wrong in order to achieve mission-and-vision of PLAN A, whereas PLAN C is something when things go haywire, afterwards we have to achieve the same outcome with alternative approaches, but this is how teams' have been moving forward, but this debacle initiates not only on cricketing field but previously too, while we were champions in multiple sports, now word Pakistan is only observed on Cricketing Field, otherwise we are nowhere to be find in today's world.

Not only sports but also it is related to different strata's of life

An ever-learning education scenario teaches us to always look for opportunities and look for alternative approach, because this approach has to be adapted in real life, 

Conformity biasness

This is something we all elders, are to be blamed, because this is something we all as society have to be blamed, because as I have mentioned one shocking term here i.e., Insecurity, because of which we are not going for a collaborative approach, where we are insecure in unlearning old skills and likewise learning a newer skills, just because we are not able to bypass something off our personal and individual scores.

Reduces insecurity and increases collaboration attitude.

Whether it comes to our society yet our cricketing team, should I rephrase, whole of our sports, because whole of our sports alignment is unbalanced due to insecurity draught prevailing on our sports, 

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