Friday, October 27, 2023

England and Pakistan two team going to take early leave from CWC 2023

Ill-mannered Pakistani media campaign and teams' selection on audience poll

Such kind of audience poll is suitable on such societies which are matured, whereas here in our part of the world, where maturity level is at that ebb, where جب تک سر پر نا پڑھے we do not recognize the intensity, 
Indians are going to crack jokes on me, but even if Bangladesh defeats Pakistan in the next game, I won't be surprised, because we have already decided to have reverse gear, no offense to them, they are really admired for the duties given to Pakistan, but this has been not limited to Pakistani players but Pakistani نالائق management, all kudos to them, instead of creating a consistency aspect and continuity among decision-making while taking account of WHAT COUNTRY is getting off their decisions, is something requires accountability aspect.


This was nothing unexpected, instead while I was talking with some of my cricket savvy friends, I had said at that time, that I am not expecting much from this "toothless" Pakistani team, because one aspect I personally being experienced in current Pakistani society has been the "conformity bias" and the intensity that particular conformity bias has been imposed on generations to come.
If we talk about accountability, we should have to get rid of this سو چوہے کھا کر بلی حج کو چلی mentality, because it is the country's reputation which we are maligning, which should have had been treated as criminal offense, but instead our media houses have been doing the job for outsiders, we should not ask for externals, while we are having internals.

While top four teams qualify for the semis

It is a good thing that Pakistan does not qualify for the semis now, since Pakistan completed game number 6 as well, and hence now 7, 8, and 9 - 3 games are left, which by any means and luck even if Pakistan wins, will only bring Pakistan to 10 whereas even after playing 6 games only, Proteas have scored 10, hence it is highly possible that teams only scored 10 points whilst healthy NRR are going to qualify for the semis, whereas it is a good thing that now Pakistan's chapter is closed, and blame none other than ourselves, for this catastrophic performance, which was expected, because while we have been acting unnatural, doing illegal acts, not being sincere to the country, always looking for گنجائش, placing lame excuses for creating گنجائش than expect to receive more off such humiliation. Again I must confess, THIS WAS EXPECTED OFF US, because we didn't work on our blemishes.

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