Monday, October 09, 2023

Whether you have differences, but this is not how you treat visiting teams | @ZainabAbbas | #Pakistan

This is a reality, although I must confess, I would be using common language and not abusive language here because I do have good friends from India and hence, I do respect them, but the fact is again why Pakistani authorities not taking action on this action?
Was this the main reason why #ImranKhan regime was cut short? I do feel, I am not sure about authenticity of those tweets' screenshots, but still #shame upon India as hosts, because even if she was accused of doing something like that, this is still unacceptable to foreigner journalist visiting your country, such رعونیت is nowhere to be justified, and even if such actions are acceptable, why WE AS PAKISTANIS giving them chances to exploit us? 
Again! my question remains the same. is this the way we treat foreigner visiting your country? If the same was done by Nasser Hussain, Mike Atherton, Simon Doul, Ricky Ponting, etc., were you going to do the same? What is the authenticity of those tweets, under which the Pakistani journalist was ridiculed to that extent? If this is the rule of the law, then don't start crying over spilled milk.

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