Friday, October 20, 2023

Being Pakistani I have to confess one thing

After watching Cricket Matches played at different venues of India, I must confess that India has been light years ahead of ready being staging and worthy of staging cricket matches on different part of their country.
After I stalked their international cricketing venues and semi-international cricketing venues, I feel, that India has such number of venues that even if whole India was selected for staging International games, India could have had staged single game at all of their international and semi-international venues with one game per venue and still she could had completed all of her games, unlike situation in Pakistan, where story initiates at Lahore, than Karachi, afterwards Multan, (hopefully) Peshawar stadiums (in Hayatabad and Arbab Niaz Stadium) and there is no other cricketing stadium where Pakistan could stage their international ventures, although there is Faisalabad stadium which requires major overhaul, just like Multan stadium, which even when 2023 is going to an end, lacks chairs, which is so primitive situation which has been deemed so important, that's why I personally have been criticizing نالائقی of us Pakistanis because we Pakistanis have been treating ourselves as best and likewise ہر فن مولا means jack of all trades, but master to none,  but still we are the best.(satire)

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