Tuesday, October 31, 2023

After Sri Lanka v Afghanistan standings

Pakistan metaphorically out of the cricket world cup 2023, because after conclusion of Afghanistan v Sri Lanka game, because Pakistan now standing at 7th position, where tomorrow's game against Bangladesh is not only must win but also winning while improving their Net Run Rate i.e., NRR, because -0.3 NRR requires Pakistan not only winning but also with heavy margin, because the politics currently being going on inside Pakistan could only be got rid, if Pakistan's performance improves.

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Monday, October 30, 2023

Nothing but megalomania-city

Reference to article here

PCB has been acting as suspicious as picture
It is ridiculous to directly believe on such news, but the fact is; where there is fire, there is smoke. Hence it is hard for me to not-believe this news, because already as I have been mentioning, we have been a nation of inferiority complexes, and while they require such issues in order to INTERVENE, so till situation clears, I would still keep this point of view, that PCB is acting megalomaniac, just like our society does, hence it is better to act sensibly from social media, because it is all about the country, not about individual selves, خدا کا واسطہ ہے تم لوگوں کو
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Sunday, October 29, 2023

Lack of mentors both in Pakistani society and in Pakistan Cricket

Before initiating cricketing conversation, Pakistani society is needed to be described

Right now, as we all are seeing, I am writing these lines in the end of 2023, logically 2024 already started for me, but one thing which I personally acknowledging the fact that we as a nation, which Wasim Akram while describing Cricket World Cup 1999 final, where he was clearly mentioning the egoistic issues with the management, that وسیم نے مجھے سلام نہیں کیا game is over, and as per his accounts, the next series after 1999 Cricket World Cup, he got dropped, the same sort of reaction I have been getting at my workplace, just because I am not sycophantic towards them, because I recognize the ripples such actions create within the fabric of the society, but the same thing I anticipated that while I am not sycophantic with my senior, I have got enemies for nothing, just because instead of I calling someone بھائی I avoid creating personalized relation with them, because of which I got differences with some of my seniors, who have always been ignorant off me, furthermore not supporting me while I require some support, anyways I am not expecting anything from them as well, 

Lack of mentors

As mentioned, a mentor to a society is a motivator, an advisor, a successor, someone who provides direction, someone who coaches, someone who supports, and even determines goals, and even when requires training, he/she is going to provide suggestion towards how to train accordingly, 

Let's be honest

Are we having such figures in our society? Instead I personally feel that our society have been plagiarized enough to instead pulling legs, what I proposed has been more of a collaborative aspect, which people have no fear to share their experiences just like we do on the social media, we are well and good while sharing to a total stranger, but with our own countrymen, we are not comfortable with sharing our own experiences with them, کیا یہ سب کچھ قبر میں لے کر جانا ہے کیا؟ 

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Giving importance to domestic Cricket

CONSISTENCY and CONTINUITY - somber helm of affairs with Pakistan Cricket

Again, this is something closely related to Pakistan Cricket which means Pakistan Cricket Board is to be involved with it, as it is related with consistency and along with consistency aspect, it is greatly related to continuity and gradual application of newer "innovation" if required, because here I have been skeptical on the usage of term "innovation" as innovation is greatly linked with a clear focused vision, can you imagine, in case of Pakistan, that within a year period, while seeing Ramiz Raja, followed with Najam Sethi and on-going regime of Mr. Zaka Ashraf, tell me being a Pakistani, that would it bring good taste while Pakistan Cricket would be discussed?

Stop emphasizing on social media and similarly emphasizing on National Interests instead of Public Demands

This is something I am heavily critical on, because right now, National Interests HAS BEEN FLUSHED DOWN THE GUTTER and instead replaced with personal interests, and furthermore icing on the cake moment stands when we play like سو چوہے کھا کر بلی حج کو چلی .

Responsibility of a Cricket Board

Copy pasting ECB's responsibilities which clearly elaborates what BASICALLY it does, and likewise similar sort of practices are to be assured off Pakistan Cricket Board, 
The ECB is responsible for the selection and management of England’s cricket teams, the organization of Test cricket and County Championship cricket in England and Wales, and the overall direction of the sport in England and Wales1The board oversees all levels of cricket in England and Wales, including the national teams3.
Likewise, if categorize above with respect to Pakistan, here as under;
  • Pakistan Cricket Board is responsible for the Selection and MANAGEMENT of Pakistan's cricket teams,
  • the Organization of the TEST MATCHES and DOMESTIC Cricket within Pakistan territory
  • and citing the OVERALL DIRECTION OF THE SPORT in Pakistan
Is current regime of Pakistan Cricket Board fulfilling all of these highlighted pointers?

Historically speaking

But still these two characters were brought back during the span of one year, which clearly means that issue related while we have legalized the illegalities! So issue relates with masses engulfed into such mindset where such wrongdoings aren't to be deemed as wrong.

So, we HAVE TO EITHER THINK AS PAKISTANIS otherwise no need to watch cricket if there is so much drama

Because we also have to make sure, what pictures are we sending abroad off Pakistan Cricket, because this is how Cricket is being run these days, hence Pakistan Cricket Board HAS TO MAKE ITS OWN HOME in order, and likewise in order to HOME IN ORDER, we as civilians have to acknowledge the faults within ourselves, instead of judging others, because I personally feel, while we are very good in judging others, we have actually forgotten what WE ARE showing to them, because like Wasim Akram said in a show, that everyone wants to part of PCB but none wants create an improvement, because we as a nation, are pack of attention seekers.

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Saturday, October 28, 2023

The Netherlands took another scalp in Bangladesh

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Pakistan require to up their 'management' skills barring political alliances

Table of contents


The major problem of Pakistan and likewise Pakistani Sports inside which is Pakistan Cricket, whose sole controlling body in Pakistan previously known and referred to as Board of Control for Cricket in Pakistan aka BCCP (relatable to BCCI) and currently known as Pakistan Cricket Board aka PCB, but coming back to major identification of problem has been consistency and along with the consistency aspect, we should not forget impulsive mindset among the masses, because vision requires continuous working going on, for which there are many relatable aspects which are equally responsible for catastrophe period Pakistan and Pakistan Cricket is going on is نالائقی and inconsistency.


Imagine, you're building your house, but every now-and-then you start building walls, and again your mood changes, start demolishing the wall and as again start working on newer architecture of wall, but just as I mentioned a trend, i.e., every now-and-then; this HAS BEEN THE PROBLEM both with Pakistan, and likewise Pakistan Sports, and similarly related to Pakistan Cricket, because as I have been constantly mentioning a particular term in my previous blogs posts, relatively impulsiveness and similarly short-term decision making, along with seeking fame, although previously the time period when I was studying, the curriculum I studied at HAMDARD PUBLIC SCHOOL, taught me this aspect that success doesn't come quickly likewise swiftly, hence if something like success is short-lived, than this is not success, instead it is something other than success, but as I have been mentioning impulsiveness approach 
Furthermore, another problem which I encountered, has been no-vision, furthermore, to add, short-sightedness, where we are always short-hungry for fame, 


According to me, this is a problem, because whether it comes to Pakistan politics, Pakistan sports and likewise Pakistan cricket, there is a common factor which is missing, i.e., lack of vision; because when there is a lack of vision, we can't design a mission, which is a short-plan for incorporating complete vision, but here in Pakistan's case, there is a insured lack of vision factor associated with whole of Pakistani nation, 

Vision usually comprises of continuity 

When it comes to Pakistani nation, Pakistani sport and likewise Pakistan cricket, lacks continuity in policy, where even in current Pakistani society, while nipping into the bud, we all are engulfed into the mindset of سو چوہے کھا کر بلی حج کو چلی , because as a nation we all are under a state of inferiority complex and therefore as a nation we are technically a non-collaborative nation, where every single one from us does not believe in sharing his ideas with other, just in the inferiority complex کہ کہیں وہ مجھ سے آگے نہیں نکل جائے 

Country comes secondary under this inferiority complex scenario

Just because as a nation, we do not believe in collaboration, the generations to follow are grown up under the same inferiority complex, and hence we are responsible in distorting future offsprings, which resulted in textbook skipping being promoted, as problem does not lie with BABAR, RIZWAN or otherwise even SARFRAZ, but those who are heading them should be held accountable, as they are the main problem.


In order to getting rid of this issue, we are required to have clear focus, and a clear vision, and similarly we have to make sure that whatever focus we have planned, is going to be finalized, because this has been the main problem, which I elaborated in second point, where I gave example of house construction, where we have been criminally guilty of restarting from point zero, while demolishing previously developed plan, creating a precedence that capitalization is the key to success, which actually is inferiority complex, which we have been criminally genetically transferring to our offsprings, 

Respecting your assets

Treat your youngsters same as a salesman treats its inventory, we should treat our sportsmen as precious as inventory to salesman, 

the "Hybrid model"

This was a shame, when Asia Cup 2023 host was Pakistan, but honestly speaking does it looked like a Pakistani hosted tournament? Nowhere I found any Pakistani endorsement during the tournament, even in Sri Lankan grounds, we previously used to view Pakistani advertisement, but this time around, it was without Pakistani advertisements, furthermore this is not the point of concerned on majority, the point of majority concerned HAS BEEN how PCB managed its ASSETS i.e., HER PLAYERS; in my term-logy PCB ridiculed its players, because as I have mentioned earlier in one of my blogs, Pakistan played initial game of Asia Cup in Multan, afterwards it took chartered flight to Kandy to play India, and after the game, it flew back to Lahore and competed at home, but afterwards after competing against Bangladesh, Pakistan took another flight to Colombo, from where their graph has been on the downward flow, just because we were hit with injuries, because the management at the PCB has been abusing with its players.

Aisam ul Haque

He has been another example of abusing assets where a tennis player of this caliber, and how we treated him, whereas in contrast how Indians respected THEIR TENNIS STARS and how we have been doing in retrospect!


Again, I am rewriting this term which I mentioned earlier that continuity has been the problem associated both with Pakistan, Pakistani politics, Pakistani sports and likewise Pakistan cricket, we definitely lack in continuation process, because this is not Pakistan particular department/strata issue, but overall a national problem, and the problem-solving process definitely initiates only when we consider problem as a problem,

Stop being hypocrite and ignorant

This is another aspect, which I gathered even while analyzing the performances from Pakistan politics, Pakistan sports and likewise Pakistani cricket, because I personally feel that we are required to acknowledge the problem as a problem, because identifying the problem is the initial stage of problem-solving process, so if anyone is not following this circle, it definitely means that his intention is not positive, similarly we are required to associate the same to management how Pakistani players are managed.

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After New Zealand v Australia game standings

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No need to live in utopia

From this point onwards, it is ridiculous to even think about Pakistan by any means could qualify for the semi finals of this CWC 2023, where the L/W ratio per win in below 1.5 which means for every other win, Pakistan would be earning on that rate, keeping in mind, only 3 more games left, so even minor probability statistics reveal that Pakistan's chances to qualify to the semifinals have been diminished, 

Thinking about Australian tour after this Cricket World Cup

I am expecting the same outcome of that three test match series, keeping in mind, Pakistan would be playing three test matches in that tour, after end of that torturous tour down-under, Pakistan would be hosting the West Indies at home for two test matches, afterwards heading to the Netherlands for playing 3 T20I matches, afterwards Ireland  again for 3 T20I and afterwards England for 5 T20I series, following which if ICC T20I event in West Indies and USA, following a home series against Bangladesh for 2 test matches, than again England would be touring Pakistan for 3 test match series, than Australia for 3 ODI and 3 T20I series, afterwards off to Zimbabwe for 3 ODI and 3 T20I series, afterwards at the Christmas eve we would be touring South Africa for a comprehensive series, comprising of 2 test matches, 3 ODI and 3 T20I series, which clearly elaborates the sanity of our management while setting FTP for Pakistan, because ample amount of T20Is  against depleted sides, which generates same sort of results instead what international tours usually promise, 

The question is all about "priority"

The people who are at helm of affairs for setting FTP's for Pakistan, have do not keeping in sight this aspect that this is our cricket team not getting sufficient yet competitive cricket match practice which results in similar outcomes which we just got in current ICC Cricket World Cup 2023, and still we are bringing back those who have been utilized, instead even if you're bringing them, is it made sure, they would generate their precedence?

Political instability in Pakistan and those who're getting benefit of it

Recent coup of Asia Cup 2023 was clear indication, of how much this current regime of PCB is inclined towards vested interests, instead of country's interests, because they were comfortable with "hybrid model", even confirmed the ownership of that "hybrid model", furthermore Pakistan was the host of this years' Asia Cup yet her name was deleted from official emblem of the tournament, yet PCB was OK with it, furthermore I am still skeptical that Pakistan would able to host ICC Champions Trophy 2025 IN PAKISTAN, because country for them ain't priority at all, and neither for us as well, because we as Pakistanis have been guilty in placing گنجائش for anything to go towards the interest of Pakistan, so why whining when we ourselves are responsible for giving them chances to exploit us.

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Friday, October 27, 2023

Representation of NRR after South Africa v Pakistan game

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England and Pakistan two team going to take early leave from CWC 2023

Ill-mannered Pakistani media campaign and teams' selection on audience poll

Such kind of audience poll is suitable on such societies which are matured, whereas here in our part of the world, where maturity level is at that ebb, where جب تک سر پر نا پڑھے we do not recognize the intensity, 
Indians are going to crack jokes on me, but even if Bangladesh defeats Pakistan in the next game, I won't be surprised, because we have already decided to have reverse gear, no offense to them, they are really admired for the duties given to Pakistan, but this has been not limited to Pakistani players but Pakistani نالائق management, all kudos to them, instead of creating a consistency aspect and continuity among decision-making while taking account of WHAT COUNTRY is getting off their decisions, is something requires accountability aspect.


This was nothing unexpected, instead while I was talking with some of my cricket savvy friends, I had said at that time, that I am not expecting much from this "toothless" Pakistani team, because one aspect I personally being experienced in current Pakistani society has been the "conformity bias" and the intensity that particular conformity bias has been imposed on generations to come.
If we talk about accountability, we should have to get rid of this سو چوہے کھا کر بلی حج کو چلی mentality, because it is the country's reputation which we are maligning, which should have had been treated as criminal offense, but instead our media houses have been doing the job for outsiders, we should not ask for externals, while we are having internals.

While top four teams qualify for the semis

It is a good thing that Pakistan does not qualify for the semis now, since Pakistan completed game number 6 as well, and hence now 7, 8, and 9 - 3 games are left, which by any means and luck even if Pakistan wins, will only bring Pakistan to 10 whereas even after playing 6 games only, Proteas have scored 10, hence it is highly possible that teams only scored 10 points whilst healthy NRR are going to qualify for the semis, whereas it is a good thing that now Pakistan's chapter is closed, and blame none other than ourselves, for this catastrophic performance, which was expected, because while we have been acting unnatural, doing illegal acts, not being sincere to the country, always looking for گنجائش, placing lame excuses for creating گنجائش than expect to receive more off such humiliation. Again I must confess, THIS WAS EXPECTED OFF US, because we didn't work on our blemishes.

Creation of Alternative APPROACH required for Pakistan

Right now, while major updates off PCB, where their media presence is so pathetic that between the tournament, they escalated such email that they have been coordinating with Sarfraz Ahmed etc., no offence with anyone but the fact is the cricket team, جیسی بھی ہے but is representing Pakistan, so this is the high time we should think as Pakistanis instead of thinking as individuals and Social Media Fans, 

Why Deciding Pakistan Team on the Basis of Social Media Trends?

While social media has certainly changed the way we consume and interact with sports, it’s difficult to say whether it’s had a positive or negative impact on Pakistan cricket. However, I can provide you with some information on how social media has impacted Pakistani cricket in recent times. According to an article on Sportskeeda, Pakistani all-rounder Shadab Khan has stated that he is trying to stay away from social media following the criticism that the Men in Green are receiving due to their poor set of performances at the 2023 ODI World Cup 12. The article mentions that Pakistan has lost three consecutive matches to India, Australia, and Afghanistan in the league stages.

On the other hand, NDTV Sports reports that a recent viral video of Pakistani cricketer Iftikhar Ahmed has left social media users baffled. The article also provides updates on the performance of the Pakistani cricket team in the 2023 Cricket World Cup.

So are we "Social Media" baffled nation?

Yes! I must admit, because without taking into account that everything which arrives, comes with a price, and this is the price loosely controlled PCB is paying, by letting these social media "Goons" ruining Pakistan Cricket, and not only Pakistan Cricket, but plagiarizing impression of Pakistani nation internationally and sorry to say from now on, foreigners are going to take Pakistanis non-seriously.

So should we treat cricket same as old-glory-sports Pakistan excelled in?

I am sorry yes, because recently concluded Asian games, we weren't able to perform, and even Afghanistan performed really well, citing non-playing conditions inside their own country, but still instead of using social media, they are developing skillset in their sportsmen and sportswomen, which is good from their part, but equally a shame on our ends, because we have definitely became MEGALOMENIAC society for sure, while a society is engulfed into such activities, so how come sports be left alone?

The whole Pakistani society is under this mess, 

because everybody is seeking attention, and while seeking attention, no skills is developed, so how come we be assured that such ill-prepared "talent" is going to perform for "PAKISTAN"???

Right now talks are going on

Right now there is a proper social media campaign on Pakistani network where we should expect Sarfraz Ahmed and Imad Wasim returning their way back to Pakistan Cricket, I have no offence with them but question remains the same, 
  • Where is continuity? and continuation?
  • Where is backup and contingency plan?
  • Are we working on domestic players backup?
  • Are we really interested in developing our cricketing infrastructure?
The answers to all queries are "Nada", neither we have worked on such aspects otherwise it is our interest to initiate working on these aspects.
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Thursday, October 26, 2023

Further dismay for Pakistan after completion of England v Sri Lanka game with SL winning

Right now while I am typing these lines, I just came from my work, 8.25 pm in evening Pakistan Time and Sri Lanka won another comfortable scalp against England, (keeping in mind, both teams were head-to-head in world cup games, but today that stat too must have got on the favor for Sri Lanka)

Furthermore, this match hurt Pakistan's chances for qualifying, because right now while I am writing these lines, Pakistan slipped into 5th position, and right now South Africa game (which is tomorrow) is utmost importance, because not only Pakistan requires to win, but while conceding less amount on runs with having more amount of deliveries used by opponent, i.e., South Africa, which is literally impossible, keeping in mind the form Proteas are playing right now, hence I personally not expecting much off this Pakistan's further CWC campaign.

Story of NRR after tonight's game

After tonight's game, as we all are seeing, that four teams, which includes India, South Africa, New Zealand, and Australia respectively, which are being shown above the horizon, whereas first team below the horizon is Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh England and the Netherlands respectively.

Points table position after tonight's game

England should pack their bags now

As per current standings and games remaining, where all teams have played 5 games each, hence 6...7...8...9; altogether 4 games are remaining, and even if England wins remaining four games, maximum England would score, is 10, and right now while India, South Africa, New Zealand and Australia, who have completed their 5 games benchmark, they are already on respectively 10, 8, 8 and 6 points, hence even if above mentioned teams only win single game off their remaining 4 games, India is going to score 12, South Africa and New Zealand going to score 10 whereas Australia is going to score 8, (*although hypothetically speaking, but this isn't possible realistically speaking) because while scoring 10 points, England would definitely have to work heavily on their degraded NRR, keeping in mind during 2019 Cricket World Cup, Pakistan won't able to recover the dent it suffered against West Indies, as I have been mentioning again and again, New Zealand was able to taste Semi Final, due to a SUPERIOR NRR, although Pakistan's also not out of the jail, but I personally do not want myself to be further tortured watching Pakistani batters not able to accelerate tactically, unlike previously while I was listening to podcast where Moin Khan was referring to 1999 where they initiated this strategy yet he was emphasizing that we had Abdul Razzaq and Azhar Mahmood to accelerate, but here in this team, I am only seeing Iftikhar who has capability to take game on its head. Take his wicket and find Pakistan toothless, that's why I personally referred Pakistan playing style as "torture."

As per Shoaib Malik

In these Indian playing conditions, the grounds where par score is 350, they are eying score excess of
370, and so on so forth, whilst in the case of Pakistan, when par score is 320, you tend to eye over a score of 280, which was the case during humiliating defeat against Afghanistan, although taking nothing away from Afghanistan, but let's be brutally honest, we were definitely monotonous in applying whatever approach, although some might argue that we should go towards likes of Sarfraz etc. I get it where such thoughts are arising from, but the fact is instead of looking for short term approaches and earning goodwill within short span of time; why can't we think for the longer run and think for a continual and longer run approach? Longer runs approach clearly means non-attention-seeking temperament, because as I mentioned earlier, Indian conditions definitely exposed this fact that we are lacking late innings onslaught otherwise they are moving on the same criteria we used to play during 1999 CWC, but even if Pakistan is trying to incorporate the same strategy in this world cup, how are they going to achieve the same while having only single clean hitter in the middle order (read Iftikhar) furthermore spin bowling of Pakistan is definitely a big question mark.

Attention seeking syndrome

One thing which definitely taught me something about Pakistani nation, (although metaphorically and hypothetically speaking) not everyone should be regarded as attention seeker but the masses who're representing Pakistan are bunch of attention seeker, although I should not mention his name, but being a fan of Cricket game, I have to mention his dedication to game of cricket, when I mention the name of Rahul Dravid for grassroot cricket in India, how many of our former players have invested their times in domestic cricket?
How much PCB emphasized on foreign coaches for domestic cricket and domestic teams of Pakistan, and furthermore how much development work WAS done in Pakistan domestic cricket?
Let alone infrastructure of Pakistan cricket, India is right now holding solely a 50 overs cricket world cup, unlike previously when it was jointly hosted in 1996 between India-Pakistan and Sri Lanka and in 2011 between India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, this time all 48/48 games are being hosted within boundaries of India, where apart from Hyderabad who is hosting 3 games, remainder of all the venues are hosting 5 games each, can we expect the same for Pakistan, how many international cricketing venues are there in our cities? how much have we developed our infrastructure? 2 stadiums currently renovated in Peshawar are nothing, we require more international standard domestic games hosting venues in Pakistan, but such things could only be achieved, if we think other then attention-seeking "me-only" syndrome, we have already wasted a lot of time, now we require to grow up.

Importance, maintenance and confidentiality of Pakistani Cricketers DATA

Importance of Data

In modern cricket, data analytics plays a crucial role in helping teams gain a competitive advantage. From selecting the right players to deciding on the best tactics and strategies, data analytics is a tool used by coaches and teams in franchise cricket and international to make informed decisions.

Maintenance of Cricketers' Data

Cricket is a team game, and in every cricket match, an enormous amount of statistics is generated in terms of player, team, game, and season. Therefore, the application of advanced data mining technique is yet to blossom to its full potential in this sport. Statistical analysis of the updated cricket data has become both necessary and beneficial for policy-formation and decision-making process. But unlike other sports such as basketball and baseball which are well researched from a sports analytics perspective, for cricket, these tasks are yet to be investigated in depth (Sankaranarayanan, Sattar, & Lakshmanan, 2014). Application of analytical methods in the field of cricket is termed as ‘cricket analytics.’ It empowers cricket teams to make the right strategy and accurate decision about a game that is well known for its unpredictability. Thus, this book focuses on how data mining techniques, viz. Bayesian, neural network, and regression, can be applied to sports (especially in limited overs cricket) in the form of performance measurement, pattern discovery as well as outcome prediction.

The main focus of this book is the performance measurement of cricketers using statistical and data mining tools. The other objectives are derivatives of the performance measurement of cricketers. Many statisticians and data analysts have used different statistical tools and techniques to analyze cricket data. The other aspects of cricket where the significant application of statistical and data mining tools is used include team selection, target resetting in rain-interrupted limited over matches, the impact of technological advances, the impact of home advantage, and toss on the outcome of the match.

Confidentiality of Pakistani Cricketers Data

Such news breaking which might hamper Pakistan's interests should be treated as something not suitable for Pakistan, which is now a trend in Pakistani media, that we broke it first, we are required to get rid of this attention seeking and think on logic, because if you want to achieve fame, fame is only when Pakistan does well and Pakistan can only do well, when we respect ourselves, and by ourselves I mean, those who're playing, bygones are bygones, but we require to carry a good part of us with us in future and for that we all are required to achieve the same by acting sensibly and acting like Pakistani, unlike today where we have been acting as if ہم اور پاکستان instead we should have been thinking as پاکستان اور ہماری حرکتیں things are going to evolve where in the ebb we lie when it comes to respecting the country and country's interests.

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Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Should Pakistan or should not???

One thing which I learnt while compiling tonight's standings' spreadsheet, on the surface Pakistan's runs scored are way above than runs conceded, but one aspect which many senior Pakistanis were mentioning, but we were ignorant to the fact that Pakistan IS REALLY PLAYING it completely safe, without taking subtle and tactical risks, which are necessary in playing today's cricket games, because as I mentioned earlier, NRR calculation is all about how many runs were scored divided by how many overs which is minus by runs conceded divided by overs conceded, because of which Pakistan might have has scored 1409 runs but while facing 248 overs, while conceding 1394 runs while conceded 229 overs, otherwise in order to have positive NRR, we are required to score more runs in less overs in comparison to less runs conceded in comparison to more overs, which means it is a contra-effect, just like go through India, NZ and Proteas, and even Australia today have gathered the same momentum, that's why I do not expect Pakistan should go forward to Semis.

Missing former Pakistani hard hitting

I was listening to Imam ul Haq that this way is our way of playing, even if it is your way, then where have been the power hitting in later overs for Pakistan, something which I remember, Shoaib Malik, Abdul Razzaq and Azhar Mehmood were known for their power hitting, even Misbah ul Haq was re-find of ICC World T20 2007 because of his power hitting, furthermore, the quick fire innings Misbah played against Aussies in Abu Dhabi was remains of Pakistani powerhitting.

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