Thursday, November 09, 2023

Current standings after "Overhyped" Sri Lanka and New Zealand game

After Kiwis winning tonight's game, bleak chance for Pakistan playing the semifinals has solely demolished, as per below mentioned tweet Pakistan requires to play a 400+ game, and then bowling out England team to bowl them out inside 288 runs margin, which is beyond capability of current Pakistani Team capability.

Pathetic mentality

This is something makes me irritate, when my own elders start such rubbish conversations, that Pakistan lost the tournament because Karachi players weren't included, what kind of rubbish conversation is this? I am not questioning anyone's capability, but what Pakistan misses, is not city-based association team, but instead we definitely require transparency in order to determine need-wants-assessment, because just like conformity-bias a problem for Pakistani society, same thing incorporates into selection of players on merit, as my point of view is quite simple, give importance to home based talent, we require transparency in selection of players, instead of selection on conformity biases, for which we are now suffering with the fate, no disrespect to our elders, but as elders it is your responsibility to adapt to the situation and do not tweak with the future generations, just for the sake of showing-off your authority, because such examples create a precedence for generations to follow.

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