Sunday, January 21, 2024

Bleached out

This was the same reason why I didn't opt for analyzing how 2023 went for Pakistan, because sooner or later, such a similar sort of disappointing news was imminent, as literally, I have been noting down, how much we as Pakistanis love to ridicule the law of the land.

I might have grudges against Mr. Raja

But the way he was sacked, was ILLEGAL, and literally vice-versa, the way Mr. Sethi came and afterwards how Mr. Ashraf came and likely resigned, is also raising eyebrows, as we conveyed a universal message all abroad that this is how we respect the rule of the land.

That's why

This is a cricketing blog, but I have to mention this, that I am not expecting any change while such cosmetic actions are taken in liue of the upcoming elections earlier next month, because while not catering the pinpointed disease, change of faces won't have any position impact, but we have yet to decide, who is benefiting while creating this havoc in PAKISTAN? At least being a common Pakistani, I am not not benefitted by all of this,

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