Monday, May 21, 2012

Future for IPL????

IPL should be stopped for time being
and they should analyze why such things
are happening on regular intervals.
Is IPL really needed to be continue? Only in one season, so much police involvement into this League means, there's something wrong with their management. In this regards it should be barred, since it exposed how pathetic they are in managing a league at this level.

So much happened in these last two, three weeks outside the cricket ground, first the sting operation, than SRK brawl at Wankhade Stadium, and now inclusion of drugs in the post match party, where several of IPL players including foreigners were at hold. Maybe its happening since Veena Malik is also in India, so they (Indians) were infected by her "persona".

In my personal opinion, they should barred the next season and investigate why such things are happening. That's the only point, instead of such things happening in your own backyard and in those regards, trying to dictate your terms around the region.

SRK brawl at Wankhade Stadium is a black on
rapport of IPL itself.
Because I personally feel that IPL is over-dose of cricket, after watching this crap, have to watch SLPL and than World T20 Event 2012 in Lanka would be over-dose of this format of the game? Than Pakistan is also expecting to hold its Premier League, so it is gonna be a headache. Its just too much. Please pay mercy on your viewers and investors, admit that your investors are not getting their shares that's why they are involved in fixing games.

Peace out!

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