Friday, January 24, 2014

The ICC and 'The Dynamic Trios'

I hate this concept when negative politics takes place especially in sports. Don't need others to agree with me, but sport should be void of such tactics. 

Revamping of ICC and the Trios

For me, this is a way back to that IMPERIAL CRICKET COUNCIL era, the only difference is South Africa is replaced with India, since South Africa opposes this scenario, whereas for Pakistan as well, this scenario is not suitable either.

Demerits of this exercise

1. The Governing body may lose its sole role and importance
2. The cricket boards, upon desecration, will incorporate their own rules and regulations
3. No standardisation
4. Cricket boards are gonna blackmail ICC, for letting their work done
5. Audience are gonna lose their interest in the game, since there won't be consistency in the itinerary
6. Tournaments will surely lose the factor of competition, since the opponents would be the same all the time
7. Demarcation in the cricketing world, dangerous for cricket

Don't want to be over-rational but I feel the Trios have forgotten that with rise there is fall!


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